
Our membership includes representatives of public, private and nonprofit agencies, including funders, community-based organizations, task forces, and affiliated groups. To view our current membership roster, click here

Affiliated Groups/Task Forces

> Elder Abuse Prevention Council

> Latino Elder Outreach Network (LEON) 

> California Collaborative for Long-Term Services and Supports (The SCAN Foundation)

Our structure


> Empowered consumers

> Inclusive and informed communities

> Responsive providers

> Integrated services

> Accessibility

> Personal safety

> Healthy aging 

Guiding Principles
> Keep people healthy

> Ensure access to care

> Provide support as ability changes

> Help people live and die with dignity

Santa Barbara County Adult & Aging Network

The Adult & Aging Network (AAN) was created in 1999 as an advisory body to the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors on issues relating to older adults and people with disabilities. The Network was formed to coordinate existing services and strategically determine priority needs and concerns in the areas of human services, health, education, safety and community access. AAN improves the lives of seniors and adults with disabilities in Santa Barbara County by facilitating connection, collaboration, education and advocacy among stakeholders and service providers.

What we stand for

Who we are

To facilitate connection, collaboration,   education and advocacy that improves the lives of seniors and adults with disabilities in Santa Barbara County. 

We envision a strong intergenerational community that values and supports the full potential of every adult, regardless of age or ability.